Most of us recycle our used wine bottles, spaghetti jars, and jam jars, but have you ever thought of repurposing them? Why not? It’s easy and fun. Here’s one idea for turning glass items from the recycling bin into bright spring vases.
glass wine bottle
tape measure
assorted colors tissue paper
1” wide foam brush
DecoArt Americana matte Decou-Page medium
1. Soak jar or bottle in warm water to remove the label. Clean glass with alcohol.
2. Measure the circumference of the bottle. Tear strips of tissue paper in varying widths and the length of the circumference.
3. Apply Decou-Page around the bottom of the bottle. Lay a strip of tissue paper over Decou-Page, gently smoothing the paper to remove as many wrinkles and air bubbles as possible. (Note: some wrinkling will be unavoidable. Don’t worry. The wrinkles add character.)
4. Continue working from the bottom up, gluing tissue paper around bottle, overlapping the edges slightly, until entire bottle is covered. Allow Decou-page to dry.
5. Apply several coats of Decou-Page to the bottle, allowing coats to dry in-between.
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