We don’t usually post on Saturdays, but author Lois Winston has sent me on another adventure, and this baby is hot off the cyber-presse...

the blog of Anastasia Pollack, crafts editor and reluctant amateur sleuth
We don’t usually post on Saturdays, but author Lois Winston has sent me on another adventure, and this baby is hot off the cyber-presse...
Or Book Club Friday guest to day is author Nancy Bilyeau, a magazine editor who has worked on the staffs of Rolling Stone ,...
Photo by Sunshinecity, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Blinging in the Holidays This year fashion is all about glitz and glam. ...
Cold and flu season is upon us. Do you know the difference? A cold will either have no fever or be accompanied by a low fever. Y...
Who says you have to eat breakfast in the morning? Try a breakfast casserole for a hearty dinner. Dinner Breakfast Casserole Ingredient...
It’s that time of year again when no matter where you go, you see people decked out in holiday themed clothing. For some people, decora...
Thanks to all who stopped by Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers this week and special thanks to author Sharon Woods Hopkins for being our Bo...
Our Book Club Friday guest author today is Sharon Woods Hopkins, author of the Rhetta McCarter Mystery Series. Sharon is a membe...
Anastasia and the rest of the American Woman editors are spending the day with their families, but they all wish you a very Happy Thanksgivi...
It’s getting cold outside, and that cold air is probably making its way into your house. Caulking your windows and weather-strip...
The best Thanksgiving relish and super easy to make! CRANBERRY PINEAPPLE RELISH (serves 8) Ingredients : 2 cans whole cranberries 1 lg. can ...
Singer Model 27 Treadle Table, Singer Manufacturing Co. As a very young child, I used to take my dolls for seesaw rides, not on the playgrou...
Thanks to all who stopped by Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers this week and a special thank you to Michael Charton, our Book Club Friday g...
Today’s Book Club Friday guest is Michael Charton, husband of last week’s guest author Elaine Charton/Elaine Joyce. Michael enjo...
Travel editor Serena Brower invited author Randy Rawls here today to talk about a well-known vacation destination and home to ma...
Last week I talked about how applying color to a ceiling can make a small room appear larger. Here are five more tips for creati...
Don’t want to bother with the mess of stuffing a turkey but don’t want to serve boxed stuffing? Try pumpkin bread pudding this Thanksgiving....
Patchwork Vase Make a series of these to run down the middle of a dining room table for a unique centerpiece. Choose colors to coordina...
Thanks to all who stopped Killer Crafts & Crafty Killers this week and a special thank you to Elaine Joyce, our Book Club Friday guest a...
Our Book Club Friday guest today is Elaine Charton who writes under her own name and as Elaine Joyce. For as long as she can rem...