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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Info Post

School is out and many families are packing up the kids and hitting the road. Here are some tips from travel editor Serena Brower. -- AP

Are we there yet? How many of you have heard that at least a gazillion times? That long car ride to the shore, the mountains, or Grandma’s house can create lots of headaches for mom and dad unless you plan ahead.

If you’re one of the millions of families who doesn’t have a video player built into your car and can’t afford a portable system, it’s wise to think ahead and pack lots of diversions for the kids. After all, how long can anyone play the license plate game? And Punch Buggie will devolve into a backseat brawl within five minutes.

If your kids don’t have their own iPods, invest in one for each child and load it with audio books and their favorite music. The audio books are great for kids who get carsick reading in a moving vehicle.

For kids who like to color and draw, provide a lap desk and a supply of crayons, colored pencils, paper, and coloring books.

Are your kids competitive? Supply a Rubik’s Cube to each and see who can solve the puzzle quickest.

Remember Mad Libs? They’re still around and come in all different themes, including Star Wars.

And don’t forget lots of snacks!

Great tips, Serena! Readers, do you have any to add? Post a comment to enter the drawing for a book from our guest author on Friday. -- AP


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