Good grief! Bathing suit season is upon us, and my muffin top is showing. Health editor Janice Kerr offers some tips for flattening my tummy and yours. -- AP
Well, Anastasia, we all know Cloris has never baked a muffin (or anything else for that matter,) you could resist. So it’s no wonder you’ve grown your own muffin top. You need to start eating better. Here’s how:
The first step is to start with foods rich in protein. They build muscle. And don’t forget fiber. Eating lots of fruits, veggies, oats, and beans will help shrink that muffin top. Studies have proven it. And walk away from the sugar!
Here’s a helpful tip -- mix a teaspoon or two of flaxseed into your morning yogurt to keep your pipes from clogging up, but don’t forget to drink extra water.
Well, Anastasia, we all know Cloris has never baked a muffin (or anything else for that matter,) you could resist. So it’s no wonder you’ve grown your own muffin top. You need to start eating better. Here’s how:
The first step is to start with foods rich in protein. They build muscle. And don’t forget fiber. Eating lots of fruits, veggies, oats, and beans will help shrink that muffin top. Studies have proven it. And walk away from the sugar!
Here’s a helpful tip -- mix a teaspoon or two of flaxseed into your morning yogurt to keep your pipes from clogging up, but don’t forget to drink extra water.
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Glute Bridge |
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No, not that bird dog. This Bird Dog:
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Bird Dog |
Gee, Janice, I never took you for such a drill sergeant. But she’s right, readers. I need to change my eating habits and exercise more. That muffin top is only going to get bigger and bigger if I don’t. Anyone willing to join me? Maybe by Labor Day we’ll all have bodies we won’t mind showing off in bathing suits. Post a comment to enter the drawing for a book from our guest author on Friday. -- AP
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